
Inha University Medical School Professor Hwang Kun Publishes Book About Buddhist Monk Oh Hyun

Inha University Medical School Professor Hwang Kun Publishes Book About Buddhist Monk Oh Hyun 첨부 이미지

Inha University Medical School Professor Hwang Kun Publishes Book About Buddhist Monk Oh Hyun


▲ Inha University Medical School Professor Hwang Kun and his newly published book, The Poet and Swordsman.

Medical School Professor Hwang Kun recently published a book, The Poet and Swordsman, about his relationship with Monk Oh Hyun, who passed away in 2018.

The book boldly portrays the ties between the two from when they first met until Monk Oh Hyun’s death in 2018. You can feel a little sympathetic with the words in the book like an essay containing the memories of a monk, a letter sent to a monk, the feelings of Monk Oh Hyun’s poems, and Professor Hwang’s poetry

Renowned as a plastic surgeon and anatomy researcher, Professor Hwang received the 2018 Advancement in Science and Technology Medal for his contributions to the study of surgical anatomy. He teaches “Literature and Medicine” to help medical students expand their understanding of humans and to become good doctors. He currently publishes columns in the Gyeonggi Daily and Buddhist newspapers. Recently, he published a collection of poems, The Potter and the Pottery, dedicated to Monk Manhae.

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